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At ICONI, we are committed to making our website as accessible and inclusive as possible for all visitors. If you encounter any difficulty accessing or navigating the content, notice any functionality that is not fully accessible to people with disabilities, or have suggestions on improving our site’s accessibility, please contact us at wecare@iconi.com.

Our mission is to create a space where everyone belongs. ICONI is an equal-opportunity employer, and we aim to be as inclusive as possible in all aspects of employment, starting with the application process. We proudly support and accommodate individuals with disabilities throughout our recruitment process. If you meet the minimum criteria for a role, you are invited to request an interview under our equal opportunities policy to showcase your skills, talents, and abilities.

We are committed to finding reasonable accommodations for candidates with specific needs or disabilities, and all applicants are considered fairly and equally. We maintain a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination of any kind.

Your feedback is important to us, and we appreciate your help in our efforts to make our website and recruitment process as accessible as possible.

To request a reasonable accommodation, please email wecare@iconi.com (opens in a new window) or complete the relevant section on the job application form.