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Your Impact

Changing the world one legging at a time with ICONI logo in middleThank you! Your support has helped various nonprofit organizations provide school clothes and accessories to hundreds of in-crisis and low-income children, support social justice efforts across the United States, provide shelter and supplies to victims of domestic violence, and provide food to those in need. At ICONI, we want to do our part to help those in need or in-crisis as much as we can, so we are dedicated to donating to nonprofit organizations. Click Here to donate directly to some of our favorite nonprofit organizations! Most of our donation days are featured in our blog.

$500 to Clothes to Kids of Denver
$500 to Minnesota Freedom Fund
$500 to Healing Wings Foundation
$3,000 to Clothes to Kids of Denver
$3,500 to My Sister’s House
$3,500 to Food Bank of the Rockies
300 unreleased leggings and 100 shorts to Girls on the Run Rockies
100 unreleased shirts to Clothes to Kids of Denver
100 shirts donated to YGI's Middle School Program
100 unreleased hoodies to Clothes to Kids of Denver
$5,000 to Special Olympics Colorado
$1,000 to Mile High Behavioral Healthcare's Miracle Program